For The People,For The Earth
Improving The Global Environment
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will also further accelerate contributions
to actualizing a sustainable world.
For The People,For The Earth
Improving The Global Environment
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will also further accelerate contributions
to actualizing a sustainable world.
For The People,For The Earth
Improving The Lives Of People Around The Globe
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will also further accelerate contributions
to actualizing a sustainable world.
For The People,For The Earth
Improving Extend Healthy Life
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will also further accelerate contributions
to actualizing a sustainable world.
For The People,For The Earth
Improving Build And Promote More Resilient Infrastructure
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group will also further accelerate contributions
to actualizing a sustainable world.
Our Story
~The Next Future of SEKISUI~
Headquartered in Japan, SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD. and its subsidiaries make up the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group. 26,十大赌博娱乐平台在全球21个国家和地区拥有200多家公司,员工人数超过5000人,十大赌博娱乐平台的目标是为改善世界人民的生活和地球环境做出贡献. Thanks to a history of innovation, dedication and a pioneering spirit, SEKISUI化学目前在其三个不同的业务部门中处于领先地位,并在层间膜领域占据全球最高市场份额, foam products, conductive particles and more.
Since its foundation in 1947, 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台致力于为社会和环境做出贡献,现在是国际公认的可持续发展和环境倡议的领导者, 最近被选为全球100家最具可持续性的公司之一. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台将继续保持一个强大的企业存在100年及以后.
Throughout the World
Since first starting overseas operations more than 50 years ago,
SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has expanded its business globally
and continued to grow based on its prominent technologies and products.
* for the term ended March 2023; on a consolidated basis.
*Japan is not included under Asia region figures
Opening the Door to the Challenges of the Future
安赛乐米塔尔和SEKISUI化学得到了新能源和工业技术发展组织(NEDO)的支持。, Japan’s national research and development agency, 并发起了“炼钢循环碳CCU国际合作”, scheduled for three years from 2021.
二氧化碳转化率达到90%,氢气转化率达到75%, 高于使用该技术的二氧化碳转化率达到85%或更高、氢气转化率达到60%或更高的项目目标.
In addition to completing the NEDO project, 两家公司的目标都是启动一个新项目,以展示扩大商业化的能力. -
At the G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023, a display area was set up to promote Japan’s cutting-edge technology. SEKISUI CHEMICAL在广岛市综合体育馆(广岛绿色竞技场)的特殊场地(室内和室外)进行了展览和演示测试。, one of the venues of the summit. 大规模的户外示威为吸引国内外媒体代表提供了很好的机会.
“SEKISUI TODAY 2023” movie: introducing SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group
Partnership agreement on practical application of CCUS
Partnership agreement on practical application of CCUS
As climate change issues become more serious, there is a worldwide need to drastically reduce CO2, a greenhouse gas. 十大赌博娱乐平台已经就制造各种碳材料和产品的技术(碳捕获和利用技术)的实际应用达成了合作关系, “CCU”)和捕获和储存二氧化碳(CO2)作为固体碳的技术(碳捕获和储存技术), (“CCS”)利用一种能将二氧化碳有效转化为一氧化碳的技术(“化学环反应技术”)产生的一氧化碳(CO)。. The realization of this scheme provides a new method of CCS, 减少对化石资源的依赖,有助于生产各种碳产品的脱碳.
Commencement of Joint Demonstration Test of Perovskite Solar Cells with JERA
Commencement of Joint Demonstration Test of Perovskite Solar Cells with JERA
因为到2050年实现脱碳社会需要能源的脱碳, 薄膜型钙钛矿太阳能电池被视为扩大可再生能源引进的一个有前途的选择. They are lightweight and flexible, 能够在难以安装传统硅基太阳能电池的各种地点安装. 这一示范将允许逐步将可再生能源引入JERA的火力发电站, including the Yokosuka Thermal Power Station, thereby contributing to their decarbonization.
1.5°C Target for Greenhouse Gas Reduction approved by SBT Initiative
1.5°C Target for Greenhouse Gas Reduction approved by SBT Initiative
2018年,十大赌博娱乐平台最初的目标得到了SBT的验证,这在化工行业尚属首次. 2022年10月,十大赌博娱乐平台制定了减少温室气体排放的新目标,作为应对气候变化的措施. 娱乐大发澳门赌博平台认识到气候变化不仅仅是一个重大的社会问题, but also a major business risk for our group, and is actively contributing to minimize the issues.
关于发布世界上第一种高耐热转移带的通知, Thin-film, Low VOC, and Adhesion to Rough Surfaces
与先进空中交通工具制造商Volocopter GmbH建立资金和业务合作伙伴关系
与先进空中交通工具制造商Volocopter GmbH建立资金和业务合作伙伴关系
AAM is an air transportation system using eVTOL and drones. eVTOLs are expected to be a novel and sustainable means of transportation, 与现有的商用飞机和直升机相比,由于它们是电力驱动的,因此在起降过程中温室气体排放量更低,噪音更小.
SEKISUI INC., the predecessor of SEKISUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD., was founded on March 3, 1947年由年轻一代的日立康泽恩公司——当时日本通用化工制造商的核心公司.